Stack and Queue Frontiers in Python

Published on Nov. 2, 2023, 4:33 p.m. by samsonlukman

When working with various algorithms in computer science and data structures, two important concepts are often used to manage and process data: stacks and queues. Stacks and queues are both abstract data types that allow you to organize and manipulate collections of elements. These algorithms are also used in search problems in artificial intelligence.

In this article, we will explore the concept of stack and queue frontiers using Python and provide you with detailed explanations, code examples, and use cases.


A stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle. In a stack, elements are added and removed from the same end, which is often referred to as the "top" of the stack. When you push (add) an item onto the stack, it becomes the top item, and when you pop (remove) an item from the stack, you remove the top item. Stacks are commonly used for tasks that involve tracking the execution of functions, managing history in web browsers, and more.

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A queue, on the other hand, is another linear data structure that follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle. In a queue, elements are added at one end (rear) and removed from the other end (front). The first item added to the queue is the first one to be removed. Queues are often used in scenarios where tasks or processes should be executed in the order they are received, such as print job management, task scheduling, and breadth-first search algorithms.


Implementing Stack and Queue Frontiers

To illustrate the concepts of stack and queue frontiers, we will provide Python code that demonstrates their implementation. For this purpose, we will use a simple Node class, a StackFrontier class, and a QueueFrontier class.


class Node():
    def __init__(self, state, parent, action):
        self.state = state
        self.parent = parent
        self.action = action

class StackFrontier():
    def __init__(self): = []

    def add(self, node):

    def contains_state(self, state):
        return any(node.state == state for node in

    def empty(self):
        return len( == 0

    def remove(self):
        if self.empty():
            raise Exception("empty frontier")
            node =[-1]
            return node

class QueueFrontier(StackFrontier):

    def remove(self):
        if self.empty():
            raise Exception("empty frontier")
            node =[0]
            return node


The Node Class

The Node class is a simple representation of a node in a search space. It contains three attributes: state, parent, and action. These attributes represent the current state, the parent node (from which this node was reached), and the action taken to reach this state, respectively.

The StackFrontier Class

The StackFrontier class is an implementation of a frontier using a stack. A frontier is a set of nodes that are yet to be explored in search algorithms. In this class, the add method is used to add nodes to the frontier, the contains_state method checks if a given state is in the frontier, the empty method checks if the frontier is empty, and the remove method removes and returns the top node from the frontier.

The QueueFrontier Class

The QueueFrontier class is a subclass of StackFrontier and implements a frontier using a queue. The only difference between StackFrontier and QueueFrontier is in the remove method. In a queue, the front item is removed first, making it follow the FIFO principle. This allows you to explore nodes in the order they were added.

Stack Frontier Example

Let's demonstrate how the StackFrontier works with a simple example. We will use a stack frontier to explore nodes in the reverse order of their addition.

# Create a stack frontier
stack_frontier = StackFrontier()

# Add nodes to the frontier
stack_frontier.add(Node("A", None, None))
stack_frontier.add(Node("B", None, None))
stack_frontier.add(Node("C", None, None))

# Check if a state is in the frontier
print(stack_frontier.contains_state("B"))  # Output: True

# Remove nodes from the frontier
node1 = stack_frontier.remove()
node2 = stack_frontier.remove()
node3 = stack_frontier.remove()

print(node1.state)  # Output: "C"
print(node2.state)  # Output: "B"
print(node3.state)  # Output: "A"


In the above example, nodes "A," "B," and "C" were added to the stack frontier and then removed in reverse order.

Queue Frontier Example

Now, let's demonstrate how the QueueFrontier works using a simple example. We will use a queue frontier to explore nodes in the order they were added.


# Create a queue frontier
queue_frontier = QueueFrontier()

# Add nodes to the frontier
queue_frontier.add(Node("A", None, None))
queue_frontier.add(Node("B", None, None))
queue_frontier.add(Node("C", None, None))

# Check if a state is in the frontier
print(queue_frontier.contains_state("B"))  # Output: True

# Remove nodes from the frontier
node1 = queue_frontier.remove()
node2 = queue_frontier.remove()
node3 = queue_frontier.remove()

print(node1.state)  # Output: "A"
print(node2.state)  # Output: "B"
print(node3.state)  # Output: "C"


In the example above, nodes "A," "B," and "C" were added to the queue frontier and then removed in the same order they were added.

Use Cases of Stack and Queue Frontiers

  • StackFrontier is useful in scenarios where you need to backtrack and explore nodes in a depth-first manner. It is commonly used in depth-first search algorithms, recursion, and backtracking problems.

  • QueueFrontier is beneficial when you want to explore nodes in the order they were added. It is often used in breadth-first search algorithms, task scheduling, and scenarios where you need to process tasks or data sequentially.

In conclusion, stacks and queues are fundamental data structures in computer science, and understanding how to use them as frontiers in search algorithms is crucial for various applications. The examples and code provided in this article should help you grasp the concepts and implementation of stack and queue frontiers in Python. These data structures are versatile tools that can be applied to solve a wide range of problems efficiently.